Claiming your sarape original token
4 min readJan 4, 2022

If you own Colorverse RGB color tokens and you’ve been waiting for an opportunity to use them, that time has come.

As stated in a previous post, an initial supply of 64 sarape original tokens (SARP) is reserved for claiming only by owners of Colorverse RGB color tokens (no minting fee, only gas costs; restricted to one token per address).

After all tokens in this initial supply have been claimed, sarapes can be minted for a fee, even by addresses that have already claimed a token. The only requirement at this point, is that the chosen color pair is unique (that is, it has not been used to mint a sarape).

Before getting into a step-by-step description of the claiming procedure, a brief explanation:

Why is the colorverse used in this project?

All 16,777,216 (24-bit) colors. By Marc Mongenet — Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5,
All 16,777,216 (24-bit) colors. By Marc Mongenet — Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5, claims to be “The first meta-NFT for generative art. 100% on-chain.” An ambitious project that tokenized all 16,777,216 possible 24-bit (true color) variations, to be used as “pure on-chain NFT art primitives.”

Each Colorverse token is not an end unto itself, but rather the beginning of an unimaginable creative journey into the future of art. A new medium that allows an original, unique artwork to spring forth as the interaction between collector and the artist. —

The envisioned level of collaboration and interaction between the artist’s contract and the collector’s meta-NFT tokens is fully realized in the sarape original NFT:

When a sarape token is minted, it is named according to its color pair. For example, if the colors chosen for minting are #ff2010 and #1020ff, the token name will be "ff2010.1020ff". Claimed sarape tokens have a special trait, since they are minted using colorverse RGB tokens as primitive meta-NFTs: If the RGB token has been named in the colorverse by the token holder, the sarape token name will be made of the color names, instead of the color hex codes. For example, if the color pair used for minting is #ff0000 and #0000ff, and these colors have been named in the colorverse "I love red" and "beyond blue", respectively, then the sarape token name will be "I love red, beyond blue" instead of "ff0000.0000ff".

This feature clearly illustrates an implicit choice for the meta-NFT token owner to propagate the given color name into this NFT (as well as any others that have been minted using this property), confering the token minter a degree of on-chain authorship that transcends NFT ownership within the metaverse: If the colors are renamed, so will be the sarape.

How do I claim my sarape token?

First, go to and connect your wallet. For now, you will need to use MetaMask. Other wallets may be supported in the future.

Then, follow these three steps:

  1. Try your colors. If you already own RGB color tokens, you can simply select any of your colors to preview the sarape. Alternatively, you can try different color combinations using the color pickers until you find the right colors for your sarape, then find the corresponding RGB tokens in the colorverse and, if available, you can get them to own your colors.
  2. Name your colors. If you want your sarape to be named using the given color names instead of the color hex codes (as described in the previous section), name your colors in the colorverse and they will automatically be used to create the sarape token title. This is how Colorverse RGB tokens are used as meta-NFTs! Get creative, and know that the names you give to your colors will also be visible in any other NFTs that are minted in this way and expose this property.
  3. Mint your sarape. Click on the mint button and confirm that you have read and understood the terms and conditions to claim your sarape (no fee, only gas costs).

There are some requirements, and to prevent gas losses on failed transactions, these will be verified before minting. If any of the conditions below is not met, a failure message will be displayed and the transaction will not be sent:

  • The chosen color pair must be unique. That is, it has not been used to mint a sarape
  • The connected address must own the selected colors in the colorverse, and must not have claimed a sarape token
  • The connected address must have sufficient funds to complete the transaction (although the token price is 0 ETH when claiming, there are gas costs incurred.)

That’s it! A confirmation message will be displayed once the mint transaction is confirmed.

Screenshot: website, mint success message.
Visit Connect your wallet. Try your colors. Mint your sarape!

Where can I view my sarape?

  • You can visit the sarape gallery and enter the token Id to view your sarape.
  • You can visit OpenSea to view the complete sarape original NFT collection.
  • You can interact directly with the sarape contract on etherscan and generate the token svg.

Follow on twitter and share your sarapes.



sarape original is a limited edition NFT collection generated 100% on-chain. Try your colors. Own your sarape.